Monday, June 25, 2012

Good Bye, Michigan! Hello. Indiana

                                       The river in Niles, Michigan where Ray & I grew up.
Below: Ray at the Studebaker Museum.
 Now we know what Betty is doing since she retired!
 Left to right: my parents, Bill & Peggy French, brother, Paul, Ray, Tom (hiding behind Betty) & my sister, Cathy.
I love the flavor of the coffee where we had lunch a couple of days ago.

We left Ann Arbor this morning a little after 8AM. He headed down US 12 towards Niles. It was a beautiful day for a ride with the temperature around seventy. Ray & Teri gave the Millers a tour of their home town before we met Teri's parents, a brother Paul, and a sister, Cathy, for lunch. After lunch, we headed for South Bend to the Studebaker Museum. We are spending the night in Kokomo.  We plan to be in KY tomorrow night.I decided to include some pictures from the past few days since there wasn't much to photograph today.
This is Louie's garden at the bed and breakfast we stayed at.
We thought of Eugene when we saw this covered bridge at Greenfield Village.
Ray & I at the Mackinac Bridge.
We ate lunch here a couple of days ago.  They had some fabulous chicken salad.

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