Thursday, June 14, 2012

The grand tour was today. We had to wait for an hour for it to start. It was a short tour with east and west directions for the same route. Some of the directions were wrong and that added to the confusion. The east and west cars passed each other at the narrowest part of the road. Ray stopped to help someone who was stopped on the side of the road. The SSA's passed us. A little farther down the road we saw Tom & Betty pulled over. Tom forgot to get gas. Ray siphoned some from our car and we were ready to go. We were trying to figure out a route back and Mike & Gwyneth drove up. They led us back.  The tour was only about 30 miles, with lots of pretty countryside to look at.

  After a box lunch, it was time for the touring class judging results. Gerald Grizzard got an Award of Excellence with 473 points. former SSA member, John Nowak has tried three or four time to score a perfect 500. This year there were four cars that earned the 500 award. John earned another award of excellence with 493 points. He embarrassed himself when he stalled his car when he was getting his award. The car games were next. Ray is the only. SSA member who participated. He did well on the bowling. There were three other events that he did not score as well in. After that was the pig roast. It was at a local park and was really good.

Tomorrow is the ladies driving tour. Jackie and Gwynneth are riding along with Betty and I. The Besch's and the Miller's are leaving mid afternoon tomorrow. We plan to go to Copper Harbor, MI Saturday and will go part way tomorrow. The rest of the group is leaving Saturday. Ray and I celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary today. Last year we were in Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory.This year, Wisconsin. I wonder where we will be next year.

Ray, Teri, Tom, & Betty

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