Saturday, June 9, 2012

In Ludington; Ready for Wisconsin

This morning, at 8AM, when I checked out of the hotel, I asked the clerk if it was hot outside. She said that is was hot. I asked her what the temperature was & she said " 63 degrees." It is all relevant to what you are used to.

Today we arrived in Ludington around 1PM. We ate lunch at a microbrewery/restaurant. It was a breezy day. We ate outside overlooking Lake Michigan. We made a couple of stops today at antique shops. Ray found a couple of things... Car related. We also made an additional stop for Teri. Michigan strawberries are in season & she wanted some. So we stopped at a road side stand & the man there started talking about his father-in-law who at the age of 85 still owns a Model A.

After lunch, we got our tickets for the SS Badger, the ferry we are taking to Wisconsin. We will leave at 9AM & will arrive there noon Wisconsin time. We took a lot of pictures of our cars at the beach with lighthouses in the background and then walked a half of a mile out to one of the light houses. It was really windy & occasionally you could feel the spray from the waves hitting the rocks. It reminded me that I need to dress warm tomorrow for our boat ride. All is well with the cars. We have driven a little under 1,000 miles now.

Ray, Teri, Tom, & Betty

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