Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We left again at 8AM today.  We crossed the Ohio River into Indiana on an old bridge.  There were temporary roads leading to and from the bridge.  It looked like they were raising the bridge up several feet. After we made it to Indiana, we thought it was amusing that there was a Damn Movie Theater in the little town.  We were going through the county seat, little farther down the road, when we saw the courthouse with a tree growing at top of the clock tower.  The last picture is interesting because we were in a town that boasted that they were the home of the Trojans.  We saw Trojan Street & ate lunch at a diner called "Mikes."  We found it amusing that Weenie World was next door to the diner.
We are in Auburn, IN tonight and plan to tour Duesesberg - Cord Museum & maybe a truck museum too before we head to Michigan to the Gilmore Museum. No serious problems with the cars. Ray plans to work on our alternator (sp?)  tomorrow.   We have now travelled about 780 miles. All is well.

Ray, Teri, Tom & Betty

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