Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Today Teri left at 8AM for the Picture Rocks boat tour.  It was a nice day with lots of pretty scenery.  The only thing I didn't like was the flies that found us just for a little while. Thank goodness the wind picked up. The flies bite. Ray's first seminar was a Les Andrews seminar on suspension & steering. It was good. The next one was Mitchell overdrives. It was more sales oriented than technical. The last one was Ford factories, then and now. It was by Doug Skinner. It was his collection of the old Ford factory pictures and how they are being used today.

Tom & Betty went on the Alberta Tour todoy that Ray & I did yesterday. As soon as Tom & Betty give us some pictures of their Mackinac Island tour, yesterday.  I will post them. I think Jim & Jackie went on a boat tour. Mike and Gwynneth were getting their car ready to display.  My niece, Sara, & her family are meeting us for dinner tonight. They live in southwestern Michigan but are vacationing close by.

Ray, Teri, Tom, & Betty
 Ray had some time during lunch & went down by the lake & took the pictures above and below.

 Some of the picture rocks on the boat tour.
 Teri on the Pictured Rocks Boat Tour.
 An abandoned light house on Grand Island, across the bay from Munsing. It was built in 1867.
More of the picture rocks.

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